404 347 3838


A Better Perspective

Jun 26, 2023

A great many advantages accrue to the fortunate folks who chose the skyrise version of the luxury condos in Atlanta, GA. What they all add up to, and what perhaps outweighs them all in value, is that from here you get a better perspective. A broader point of view comes with the elevator ride to your spacious, sunlit living room, the terrace that extends that living room into the sky, with an indoor-outdoor fireplace to connect it all. Tall ceilings and long sightlines within impart a sense of unity, where kitchens become part of an entertaining evening, and where bedrooms bring with them a sense of repose and restoration.

Yes, there’s a lot to be said for getting above it all, after bringing talent and energy and enterprise and creativity to the world below. Here, your home provides a perspective with which to gauge the impact and plan the next endeavor with a view that simply takes more in, and at the same time provides the distance from which to make better selections.

Staying Engaged

Avoiding a commute is far from the only reason that so many choose condos in Midtown Atlanta over suburban life because the best use of our urban advantages extends well beyond the workday. In fact, an experienced commuter we know from New York says he always moved back to Manhattan because commuting life seemed upside-down. “The city in the daytime and the suburbs at night seemed like exactly the wrong idea,” he said. As Atlanta takes its place among the world’s great cities, many Atlanta residents are coming to the same conclusion.

We Have a Plan for That

Midtown thrives as a place for living, and the value of residences here grows steadily over time, thanks to one of the world’s most successful plans for enterprise and lifestyle. The ongoing process of the Midtown Alliance, a synthesis of business leaders, community interests, and public servants with decades of proven success, makes living here a pleasure. Here people discover streetscapes and green spaces blended with the same care as the fine cuisine you’ll also find among Midtown’s glorious selection of restaurants.

The Midtown perspective presents a fertile ground for synthesizing city life with a neighborhood feel. Here we demonstrate every day that “urban chic” can be unpretentious, down-to-earth, and still offer the essence of cutting-edge appeal. If the potent and pleasurable perspective we have created in Midtown is of interest, call us at 404-347-3838.